Taking down the Dreadnought
Blowing up your advesary's airship is a decidely satisfying experience, and one that you should savor. You'll need the Pass key item in order to gain access, if you missed it its back in the sewer where the dark knight thwarted your first attempt to board the vessel. Once you've obtained it the guard on duty will let you passed without a fight.
Its safe to assume that, just as in Fynn, talking to any of the soldiers onboard will cause a battle that you can't possibly win, but as long as you don't bother them they won't bother you. Silence is golden. Sadly the same tactic doesn't apply to the regular enemies on board, you'll have to slog through them they way that you always have. There is a high prevelance of undead, so fire spells and/or weapons will ease your passage. A good deal of treasure is scattered about the ship, including one chest that requires you to find a secret passage in order to obtain it. Good luck. :)
There is no Boss in the traditional sense, but when entering the reactor room you'll discover three chests, one of which contains a monster in addition to its booty. Said monster is a Hill Gigas, and may prove more difficult than a traditional boss if you're not prepared. He deals out massive amounts of damage, so be prepared to cast sheild and blink as quickly as possible. He also takes very little in the way of physical damage, but is not weak to a particular element of magic either. I found that casting Berserk on your strongest physical attacker seemed to yeild the most damage. The Beserk scroll drops from the Ogre mages that you been killing recently.
The last point of value on the Dreadnought arises from a chance encounter. As you throw the Sunfire into the reacter you'll see, across the flames from you, the Dark Knight who formerly foiled your destructive impluses. Maria wonders if the Dark Knight is actually Leon, her missing brother, but Firion argues that they don't have time to worry about it right now. Hurray plot developement.
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