Monday, September 14, 2009

Final Fantasy 1 - A Beginning

Final Fantasy 1 opens by asking players to choose a name and character class for the four warriors who will make up the primary protagonists. While other games in the series offer players a chance to change character names and classes later on, this first game is, if memory serves, the only game which does not provide preexisting names and classes.

I chose to begin my journey using a Monk, a Thief, a Black Mage, and a Red Mage. (The classes that I did not select are the Warrior and the White Mage.) Those of you familiar with the game or with others in the series will realize that the lack of a White Mage in my party limits my ability to heal my warriors, for while the Red Mage dabbles in both black and white magic, he isn't nearly as proficient at healing as a white mage I may come to regret my choice, but I felt that a straight across the board Warrior, Thief, Black Mage, White Mage party was too traditional. I'm playing a PS One remake of the game, as NES versions are difficult to come by. The opening offers either an Easy or a Normal difficulty level, and of course I've chosen Normal. After three hours of play I've decided that Normal should definitely been rewritten as Hard. Every time I set foot outside of town it seems at least one of my party members is dead within four or five battles. At this point I'm simply grinding for levels and money in the hopes that more health and upgraded hit points will increase my survival rate. Thus my adventure begins.


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