The Airship and the Dragon King
After defeating Marilith in Mt. Gulg you’ll notice that the snoozing man in the Northwest corner of Crescent Lake is now awake and, what’s more, has some useful information for you. He’ll confess with little coercion that he’s been looking for the Levistone for some years, and is convinced that it resides in the Ice Cavern to the North. He won’t tell you what to do with it once you have it. In fact, I couldn’t find anyone who knew what to do with the stupid thing, and I confess that I opted to look it up. Gamefaqs FTW.
Go get the Levistone. Take it to the desert south of Crescent Lake and use it. Voila, Airship!
Your first stop in your new sky vehicle can and should be the series of small islands situated between the two Northern continents. The caverns on these islands are home to a race of friendly dragons with much treasure to share. More importantly, their king, Bahaumut, will divulge clues to upgrading your character classes.
Take Bahaumut’s advice and seek out a token of courage from the Citadel of Trials and he will reward you with shiny new character sprites and upgraded abilities that will make you feel invincible, at least for a little while.
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